Information for Faculty & Staff

Faculty & staff have significant interactions with students and can play an important role in making sure that students who experience sexual misconduct are connected to appropriate resources and receive support. 

If a student discloses to you that they have experienced sexual misconduct, it is generally a sign that they trust you. In these situations, we recommend:

  • Being honest about reporting obligations and sharing information about confidential resources, like the Confidential Advisors at the WRC
  • Listening nonjudgementally
  • Providing support
  • Referring to appropriate resources

You never have to face these situations alone.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact the WRC at (217) 333-3137 or the Title IX Office at (844) 616-7978.

Action Steps for Instructors

You can help inform students about their rights, resources, and how to prevent violence. 

Syllabus Statement

Include a statement in your course syllabi explaining your reporting responsibilities and how to access support services.

Sexual Misconduct Policy and Reporting

The University of Illinois is committed to combating sexual misconduct. As such, you should know that faculty and staff members are required to report any instances of sexual misconduct—which can include harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking—to the University’s Title IX Office. What this means is that as your [insert role: professor/instructor/advisor/etc], I am required to report any incidents of sexual misconduct that are directly reported to me, or of which I am somehow made aware. When a report is received, an individual with the Title IX Office reaches out to provide information about rights and options, including accommodations, support services, the campus disciplinary process, and law enforcement options.

There is an exception to this reporting requirement about which you should be aware. A list of the designated University employees who, as counselors, confidential advisors, and medical professionals, do not have this reporting responsibility and can maintain confidentiality, can be found here:

Appointments with our campus’s confidential advisors, who are specifically trained to support students who have experienced sexual misconduct, can be made by calling 217-333-3137 or emailing .

Other information about resources and reporting is available here:

Resources on Canvas

Include resources on your Canvas page so they are easy accessible to students. 

Consider creating a module called "Resources", where you can include direct links to various resources, including:

Offer support

Student survivors often find it extremely challenging to navigate their studies and their trauma simultaneously.

Instructor flexibility and compassion can have a significant impact on their healing journey. Contact the Title IX Coordinator for support in navigating available options.

(844) 616-7978

Don't Cancel That Class

If you are going to miss a class for a conference or are just interested in hosting a guest speaker, you can request a training on sexual misconduct prevention and response using this form:

Available topics include:

  • Overview of campus resources
  • Bystander intervention
  • How to support survivors
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Consent 
  • Creating a culture of respect
  • Stalking awareness
  • Sexual assault awareness
  • Relationship violence awareness
  • Sexual harassment awareness


Encourage awareness

Encourage students to continue learning about how to respond to and prevent sexual misconduct. Consider offering extra credit for attending public events or writing reflection papers on the experience.

The WRC hosts events throughout the year, but notable events include:

Get notified about upcoming events by signing up for the WRC's weekly newsletter: 

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