Affiliated Courses


Courses Taught by WRC Staff

Staff at the Women's Resources Center teach a number of credit-bearing university courses currently including:

HK 112 — Sexual Violence Prevention Theory and Practice

Credit: 3 hours

This course provides a semester-long introduction to the field of sexual violence prevention education, with a focus on intersectional prevention programming within institutions of higher education. Students will examine individual, relationship, community, and societal factors that contribute to the prevalence of sexual violence and will explore primary, secondary, and tertiary strategies for sexual violence prevention utilizing a public health approach. Additionally, students will develop practical skills for leading peer workshops for the FYCARE (First Year Consent and Relationship Education) and other sexual misconduct prevention programs. This course is taught by WRC Associate Director, Prevention of the WRC with support from Course Assistants who are experienced FYCARE Facilitators. For more information, contact us at


Educational Psychology (EPSY) 203 — Social Issues Group Dialogues: Reproductive Justice

Credit: 1 hour

Understanding the journey to reproductive justice requires the understanding that although reproductive justice is a collective goal, it is a highly personalized experience. Because no two experiences are alike, our actions moving forward need to encompass everyone; policy needs to protect all people in various scenarios because each experience is valid and everyone deserves to experience bodily autonomy that is protected under the law. In this class, we will examine the linkage between intersectionality and other social issues and how that impacts reproductive justice on a historical and personal level. Bodily autonomy has been politicized and fought for through various forms throughout history; together, we will explore the ways in which bodily autonomy has been defined, sought after, and inhibited. This course is taught by Amie Baumeister, WRC Assistant Director, Gender Equity, and Kara Lawrence, WRC Advocacy and Wellness Coordinator.