Program Committees work with Women’s Resources Center staff and interns to plan, promote, and evaluate gender equity and prevention programming at the WRC. Committee members meet weekly to set program objectives, develop workshop ideas, identify speakers, and publicize WRC programs.
Sexual Assault Awareness Month
This committee will help inform and plan the programming hosted by the WRC for Sexual Assault Awareness Month in April. Committee members will perform outreach and help to build a SAAM calendar that highlights events happening across campus and in the community.
Lactation Space
Volunteers work to field check reported lactation spaces on campus, update the lactation space guide and web resources, and help to create a guide for departments on how to create lactation spaces to encourage the creation of new spaces.
First Generation Student Outreach
Work with WRC staff to explore how gender impacts the needs of first-generation women-identified college students and develop potential programs to engage with first generation students.
Women’s History Month Planning
An annual event celebrating the accomplishments and experiences of women-identified individuals, with an eye toward furthering the capacity of all students to build more inclusive campuses, workplaces, and communities. Committee members will identify potential partners on campus to invite to host events, plan lectures and workshops, and develop social media content around the impact of diverse women throughout history.
Women’s Career Institute
Free, day-long career and leadership development event for women-identified students preparing to enter the workforce. Committee members will work to develop a theme and identify/invite speakers and panelists for the Spring 2022 event. This event features two tracks, one for freshman/sophomores focused on gaining experiences such as internships and a second track more focused on professional job searches for juniors/seniors.
Ecofeminism Summit
Work with campus partners to identify and invite speakers to highlight intersections of environment and gender and track program planning progress, develop marketing materials and host events.